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The Decreasing Time Allocation for PAI in Senior High School (SMA) - versi Inggris -

The Decreasing Time Allocation for PAI in Senior High School (SMA)
Education is an activity for personal development in aspects by each person in positive direction. The aspects are cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric.
In UU 20 year 2003 about National Education System section 37 subsections 1, Religion Education for developed students become man of faith to The Only God with good character. By The existence of Religion Education in Senior High School, the students will understand with everyone religions.
However, importance of PAI in Senior High School exactly is judged as less important and not having an effect on achievement of students. Because of many general lessons must be known with students. The standardization of passed, it just by national examination without involving religion lessons. The result was taken to find of solutions by decreasing allocation time for PAI. The decreasing time to get standardization of passed with be good result.
The result of decreasing allocation time of a basic PAI placed as facultative and non-compulsory on curricular programs. The students can be followed religion lesson not must in the school; they can be followed in other time (extracurricular tutorial lesson) in accord with each religion. That make the focus students just on national examination lessons too, because PAI is nothing in national examination.
However, in other view, process of Learning and teaching process in every levels of Indonesian education institute feels the pressure. Especially for students in Senior High School 12th , they are stressed because they are afraid of not passing in national examination lesson’s (Math, English, and Indonesian Language).
Main of UN lesson can be a kind of ghost for students, so in the class their attention just focuses in UN lessons. Teachers of UN lesson felt stressed too from students, parents, and headmaster. Over attention of UN lesson, students can be undermind of other lessons. Then, students do not respond to teacher. The decreasing time allocation in other UN lessons, especially in PAI.
Students from rich family compete for expensive extracurricular tutorial lesson for UN lessons, because UN is a kind of ghost for students, they add the time allocated for that rather than decreased time allocation lessons.

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